FIERCE FASHION INC is a full-service production company specializing in the fashion industry. Our team is led by Annah Bach, which brings a team of creative and technical professionals working together to bring your project to life. The process typically begins with the development of a script, which is a written document that outlines the story, characters, and dialogue of the film. The script is then used to create a treatment, which is a more detailed version of the story that includes descriptions of the characters, locations, and actions.
Once the treatment has been approved by our clients, our production team can begin pre-production, which involves planning and preparation for the actual filming process. This may include scouting locations, casting actors, designing sets and costumes, and rehearsing. During production, the film is shot on location or on a soundstage, using a combination of live action and special effects. Our crew includes a director, cinematographer, production designer, and other technical professionals who work together to bring the vision of your project to life.
After production is complete, the film enters post-production, which involves editing the footage, adding special effects and music, and creating the final version of your film.
Once the film is completed, it is released to theaters and may also be made available for streaming or home video release. The success of a film is often determined by its box office performance, critical reception, and awards recognition.
Let us bring your film to life.